Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Chorus Banquet

So on Monday, after school, I had the Chorus Banquet. It's just a big party to celebrate the year in chorus. We make fun of the seniors, eat, dance, and the seniors give underclassmen gag gifts. I had work right before it, so I looked bad, but here's a picture of me there with one of my friends:

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I like the fuzzy on the bottom of my dress. But I can't tell you where I got my dress, cause then you'll know it's my Junior Prom one! Ahhh, SPOILER. Disregard the McDonald's hair and the massive pimples, I have like deep fryer oil in my skin permanently now ;)

But the banquet was fun, I was so tired though. And my gag gift was Twix (:D)

I'll put up pictures from the Orchestra Banquet tomorrow, but just wait for the Junior Prom post, I want more followers before I do so!